The candidate should have finished all his educational hours, written all papers and passed the first, second and third degree
exams. He should have done enough psychotherapy outside the educational-experiential groups. After having passed the third
degree exam, he should have spent minimally two years, minimally 80 sessions in a psychodrama educational-experiential group
with the chief SPA trainer as a co-therapist and as a co-trainer in the students group. He should have continued leading
his psychodrama group under supervision. He should have enough clinical experience in the mental health profession ; this
will be especially specified. He should write papers about the way an educational-experiential group was led. When the sessions
were completely led by the trainers and when it was assessed that the student-director should be encouraged. He should describe
how the protagonist and the director were chosen, what the group and sociometric process were like. What the quality of the
collaboration with the student-director was like during the session. The director should cover by his paper the process after
the session, too. When the trainer led the process and when the students led the process. How the students resistances were
dealt with during the process. How the possible group developments during the very process were followed, how the ideas of
the other students were encouraged, to what degree the content of the previous group was followed in the process. To what
extent the students noticed the important group and the action scene part developments during the process. They should have
analyzed it. What the discussion on the alternative leadings was like. What the feedback to the student-director was like
during the process and how he was warned about the good things and less good things he did during the group leading. If the
student wrote the analysis of the group session, then the co-trainer should give oral and later written feedback and comment
of the students analytical paper. He should as a co-trainer together with the chief trainer take part in a supervision of
the students who lead their groups after they had passed the first and second degree exam. He should gradually take over the
group leading and the supervision. He should also write a paper on the supervision developments and the advance of the student-director.
He should give the written feedback to the student who led the drama. He should write a theoretical paper on psychodrama and
offer the practical examples from the group development and from the action scene part, too. He should take part as a co-therapist
with the trainer in leading theoretical lessons and he should lead at least 6 theoretical sessions by himself. His paper should
include how he led the theoretical hours through action, i. e. the action scene approach to the theory of psychodrama and
group psychotherapy and to the supervision. He should help the students writing the theoretical seminar paper in choosing
the literature and writing the theoretical seminar paper. He should also help the students writing other papers. The chief
trainer should write a comment on the co-trainer work.
After having finished all the hours, that is after 80 sessions of the students group leading with the trainer and 20 sessions
of co-leading the supervision, he should take part in 10 theoretical sessions with the chief trainer and lead 6 theoretical
sessions by himself. He should attend the first and second degree exams and together with the trainer write the feedback to
the student who took exam.
Then the candidate-trainer will give answers in front of the Examining Board consisting of three members about the papers
he wrote as well as to other practical and theoretical questions on the psychodrama, leading educational groups, work with
the student-director, process, supervision and theory. He should also refer to the group processes which occur during the
supervision sessions and the very leading process. He should also answer the theoretical questions and the questions about
the psychodrama and group psychotherapy. After the exam, The Examining Board makes a decision that the candidate passed the
exam for the trainer and that he became the SPA Moreno trainer. Or it is specified what the candidate-trainer should pay more
attention to in the theory, in the practice of leading the educational groups under the supervision or perhaps to complete
his papers and after that, another exam and the conversation with The Examining Board is scheduled. The possibility of the
experienced psychodrama therapists, who do not work in the mental health profession but passed the exams for all three degrees,
developing as a co-trainer and after that as a trainer for the non-clinical programme od psychodrama and sociodrama will be
explored. The non-clinical programme will emphasize the work on the sociodrama and the application of the psychodrama in non-clinical
setting such as professional team consultants, groups in companies, sports, police, education. This programme will also include
the first part of the play back theatre.
Dusan Potkonjak, the chief trainer of SPA Moreno
June 2006